Indians are white…

Trust me I am neither drunk nor racist. Maybe Indians are not white but at least they are whitish brown…
What the hell is whitish brown? ok..let me explain!!!

If we say Russians are white…cheese white then Indians would not be as white as Russians are. But, Indians are whiter than white people regularly going to Solarium (sunbed). So, I think calling someone white (or whitish brown) who is whiter than white people trying to be brown is appropriate.

Here are the equations in terms of intensity of white skin color:

White people > White people going regularly to Solarium

White Indians > White people going regularly to Solarium

White people >= White Indians

Have you ever been to India?
If answer to the above question is affirmative then, probably, you would be considering me a mad or a drunken junkie. If you have ever been to India then you would have noticed that majority of Indians are dark brown and not white or whitish brown. Then why the hell am I saying that Indians are white…

If I’m not mistaken, Television (or Media) is the mirror of any society. What you watch on the television at least reflects (up to some extent) the people and culture of that country. Switch on Indian television and you won’t find a single dark-skinned person (actor). Everyone is white or whitish brown. This way, at least Indian television proves that Indians are white.

“Hmmm…European television shows almost everyone fit and slim. Does it mean all the Europeans are fit and slim?”
“Well! You’ve got an excellent counter-argument. But, I must say while most of the Europeans are not fit and slim, most of them have it on their minds. Most of the Europeans want to be fit and slim like those shown on the European television. Similarly, I can conclude while most of the Indians are not white as shown on the television, most of them have it on their minds.”

Don’t think I’m a racist. I’m just putting it the way it is.
Didn’t I promise to be blunt and brutal?

2 Responses to “Indians are white…”

  1. I am an Indian. I really like your way of thinking… Being white is on Indian mid-set. When parents look for brides for their children they prefer the whiter ones… that’s just our fascination with white color. But, that is now changing fast in urban areas.

  2. Hey KG,

    Thanks that you liked the line of my thinking. I hope being an Indian you are not offended. This is an irony that many racists (white one), tend to hate brown people, love to stretch themselves on beaches under the fire of sun to tone their skin brown. Sometimes, I think racists hate brown skin not because of skin color but because of skin color. I mean not because others are brwon rather because they are not brown.

    I hope, now, others are not offended.


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